Sunday, March 29, 2009

Something New.....

I'm starting something new
and letting go of the past.
It's time to move on
and finally be happy at last.
Those dreams are over,
their dead and gone,
You've shown me by now
how your Mr. Wrong.
I'm ready to find my Mr. Right.
Even if it takes me every
day, noon, and night.
I know theres someone made just for me!
So I'm going to find him,
You wait and see!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

What a night....

Wow so pretty excited about my accomplishments last night..... So basically Griz had this crazy idea to get me a fake id wow.... didnt think i would ever do that!!! ekkk.... but anyway i got into flashbacks with out a problem and then when we got to pieres they def tested me but i had a fun night with the girls.....
I love my girls for trying to get me out of this funk!!!! :)

Friday, March 20, 2009


So I feel like at this point nothing is ever going to change... I'll always be the boring/worrier that i am now! argh... It feels like I worry over everything and i can't control it.... Half the time i dont even know what i'm worrying about.... It's gotten to the point where i don't even really go to school anymore.... I'm going to try taking online classes next semester and see how that goes until I get my life all settled.... I just feel like I'm always worrying about my dad not having a job, my moms financial situation, college and my own life.... It feels like theres a big weight on my shoulders that I can't get off... argh I know eventually it will get better!!! It can only get better from here right?!?!?so Charity's moving to pittsburg for awhile :( who am i going to make fun of now for all the blonde moments haha jp! i heart her!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It's been awhile....

Wow so I think this is the longest that I've gone without blogging!!!! haha Could we say a little addicted for awhile?!?!?! I think so! Wow so not alot has been going on in my life.... I'm such a boring person!!! I feel like im forever around children.... I seriously have babysat for the past 3 weekends so when 2 families asked this weekend I had to say no.... I hate to do it because it's easy money but I need a break from the kids for awhile lol....St Pattys Day was pretty interesting haha..... def felt the effects this morning.... wow thats the reason why I don't drink on school nights!!! erkkkk... So I'm pretty much really ready for summer right now!!! I'm trying to stay motivated at school but honestly it's just not working so well right now....Argh.... I so need to start doing better!!! Well that's pretty much it!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Wow so lets see what's new! I went and hung out with Ben the other night and we just chilled and watched movies.... Ha we got bored so we started painting lol... strangely enough i kinda love it! :) So Allie and I painted again last night lol! (nerds? possibly!)
Boy Situation: I'm finally going to stick to my word and not talk to him... I can't keep going on like this...argh he frustrates me so much! I'm done! starting now lol for real this time!
Pretty much having the most boring spring break EVER!!!!!!! I've seriously just been working and that is it! I did get my hair done on Tuesday though... that's always a major plus! lol well thats about it nothing much more going on errrgghhhhhh

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Do I have the strength it takes to wait?
How much longer will this be?
As time goes on I'm starting to wonder if we will ever be?
It breaks my heart to say this because I know your the one for me....
There will never be another man that's more perfect for me...
You don't know the way you make me feel...
How does one person have every piece of me?


So I think that summer needs to hurry and get here.... The drive to the lake with Charity was amazing.... It felt nice to open the sunroof!!! ahhhh this is going to make the rest of the school year go by sooo slow.... I'm ready to lay out at the lake and Charitys pool... I told her we should just go out this weekend get in our swim suits and lay out in the pool lol even though it's only like 40 degrees and raining :)
So it's spring break and I really don't have anything planned! Is it bad that I feel like the worlds biggest bum???? I'm just going to work and get my hair done! yay.... have to love the visits to Jen!
I babysat last night for Hayden and Riley! They are seriously the cutest/ most rotten little boys ever! Hayden is just sooo precious too... We watched cartoons and had pizza and pickles lol... what a combo!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My favorites from

Today my wife told me that she wanted a divorce, it's also my 39th birthday. For my birthday present she gave me a subscription to
Today I received my passport in the mail. They got my birthdate wrong. Then I picked up my birth certificate that i had sent in with the application. Turns out my parents have been celebrating my birthday on the wrong date for 16 years.
Today my boyfriend told me he couldn't hang out with me because he felt very sick. I went to his house to surprise him with homemade soup. I walk into his room only to find him hooking up with my sister. She can't drive our mom drove her there.
Today I got my braces on. When we got in the car my dad looked over and said "well at least we won't have to worry about boys for another two years.
Today I was introduced to my boyfriends family at their family reunion for the first time. As I sat on the couch, his 4 year old sister comes in and jumps on my lap. For a moment I was happy to think that his sister liked me, only to hear her say "Your Fat" I like fat things.
Today, I was talking to my mom. During the conversation she randomly asked me" does he take his leg off while you guys are having sex?" Referring to the guy that I had been seeing who has a prosthetic leg. My dad then asked "does he beat you with it too when you've been naughty?"
Today I walked home from a guy's dorm early in the morning, still wearing my dress and heels from the night before. I walked by a mother and little girl, who said " Mommy why is she so dressed up this early in the morning?" and the mom replied " because she makes bad decisions honey."
Today I was teasing my boyfriend telling him that my butt was so much cuter then his and at least mine wasn't smelly stinky or hairy. Then he said, yea i just wish your vag was the same way.
Today I went to get a condom because my boyfriend and i were going to have sex for the first time.When I opened the drawer, I saw that every condom had a jesus pin stabbed through it,and a note on top of the box : love mom.

Monday, March 2, 2009


So I think I need to go out and hang out with friends... I'm ready to have some crazy fun like i used too!!! Spring break is almost here and wow I have nothing to do at all!!! :( I really don't know what's been up with me lately but I'm soooo tired of it.... I feel like a fricken hermit!!!