Friday, March 20, 2009


So I feel like at this point nothing is ever going to change... I'll always be the boring/worrier that i am now! argh... It feels like I worry over everything and i can't control it.... Half the time i dont even know what i'm worrying about.... It's gotten to the point where i don't even really go to school anymore.... I'm going to try taking online classes next semester and see how that goes until I get my life all settled.... I just feel like I'm always worrying about my dad not having a job, my moms financial situation, college and my own life.... It feels like theres a big weight on my shoulders that I can't get off... argh I know eventually it will get better!!! It can only get better from here right?!?!?so Charity's moving to pittsburg for awhile :( who am i going to make fun of now for all the blonde moments haha jp! i heart her!!!

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